For a long time, there has been much attention placed on the very dangerous and ill affects Asbestos exposure can have on an individual. What we know is that Asbestos was very heavily used in building construction between the 1940’s to 1990’s primarily due to its high levels of heat resistance. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until much later when we identified that those Asbestos fibres can become trapped within the human respiratory system, leading to an increased risk of cancer, especially Mesothelioma which is defined as: cancer within the lining of the lung.
As a result of the increased awareness and research around the effects of Asbestos on the individual; legislation now exists to maximise safety of workers within a workplace. The Work Health & Safety Act (2011) and the Work Health & Safety Regulation (2017) talks extensively to the need for a “person with management or control of a workplace” to develop, maintain and update an Asbestos Register. This is also a legal requirement, should that building have been constructed prior to 01 January 2004. There are significant financial and reputational risks associated should this legal requirement not be met, including prohibition and prosecution notices from the state or territory SafeWork Regulator. The only way to be certain as to whether any material contains Asbestos (and specifically what type) is to have the material tested in a laboratory. These tests should be completed by an accredited facility (known as a National Association of Testing Authority (NATA) facility).
Saunders Safety & Training can assist with the development or review of any Asbestos Register and its subsequent Management Plan through our partnership with licensed professionals who understand these risks and how to manage them. We have completed a number of projects aimed at helping property owners and officers of a business understand their risk, and developing out a management plan, or in some instances removal and remediation of a site, to reduce operational stress. Testing and management of Asbestos can be a fairly inexpensive and efficient process to manage when property owners and officers of a company are proactive in this risk mitigation space. There are also subsequent benefits to regular testing, including: better success and rates for Property Insurance lines.
Contact us today if you need more information or would like to discuss your specific situation in greater detail. Alternatively, visit our Saunders Safety and Training website for further information by clicking the link below.